
How to create branded WhatsApp links with Walink

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Published on: 2022/03/18

By: @lm_sati


WhatsApp links are the most effective way for users to reach your chat without saving your phone number and that is why they are widely used around the globe to get customers and build a sales and customer service channel in the app for the business. A branded WhatsApp link takes this concept even further, allowing you to share your official WhatsApp chat with a unique and branded name like “” so customers can find it and contact you quickly.

Let’s see what the steps are to create your own branded WhatsApp links with Walink:

How to create branded WhatsApp links with Walink

If you want to understand what you get by purchasing links at Walink Premium, feel free to read all about it at: What is Walink Premium

  1. First go to to register at Walink Premium.
  2. Purchase the amount of links you need for your business. You can always increase or reduce the number of links in your account.
  3. Go to the “Create” section in the menu in your dashboard.
  4. Now you can create your first link with brand name, phone number and a message that customers will be able to send you when the click the link.

You can créate as many links as you acquire in your account and you have the option to update the info (URL, phone number, and message) whenever you want. You can find your links at “My links” section, view analytics, index them in our search engine, download their QR code, and more!

You will never have to save another phone number to start a conversation in WhatsApp. With Open Walink enter the phone number or link in the app an start texting in 1 click for free!

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Learn more about Walink Premium features:

  • Multilink page for WhatsApp
  • Multiagent service for WhatsApp
  • WhatsApp catalog links

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Made with ❤ by Walink Inc. 2023, All rights reserved.

Walink Inc. is not associated with nor sponsored by WhatsApp LLC. nor Meta Platforms, Inc. We offer services based on WhatsApp’s public API. By using our services you are accepting our privacy policy and terms of service |